
The Weston Family Foundation has been supporting research studying the microbiome for seven years. In recent years, there has been a surge of interest and investment in understanding the role of the microbiome in human health and disease, yet we are only beginning to understand the potential implications of the microbiome in healthy aging.

The Proof-of-Principle (POP) is a funding program, through the Weston Family Microbiome Initiative, meant to provide support of Canadian research efforts on the microbiome, focusing on advancing the application of the microbiome in improving human health. With three funding calls (2023, 2024, and 2025) and for each call, total available funding up to 300,000 over 30 months.

The most recent Proof-of-Principle program funding was announced in 2023: The Microbiome & Precision Nutrition. The human body is host to trillions of microbes. Research suggests that these organisms play important roles in health and disease and have a profound bearing on nutrition.

The Proof-of-Principle 2023: Microbiome & Precision Nutrition program aimed to understand how the microbiome influences the impact of diet on human health with a focus on precision nutrition.

To learn more about the projects that received funding in 2023 please visit this link.

The Proof-of-Principle 2024 program will provide research grants of up to $300,000 over a maximum of 30 months to support high-impact projects that seek to leverage the microbiome to maximize the health benefits of biomarkers of disease and therapeutic response.

To learn more about the POP 2024 funding opportunity visit the grant call.

Stay tuned for more information about the Proof-of-Principle 2025 funding opportunity. Follow us on LinkedIn for updates