Weston Family Microbiome Initiative

Supporting transformative research on the microbiome to enable healthy aging for Canadians

An 3D rendering of the human skeletal system inside the figure of a man

What We Do

It is only recently that scientists have begun to uncover how and to what extent the microbiome affects our general health and well-being. Traditionally we think of bacteria as harmful organisms that cause infectious diseases, but growing evidence suggests that our microbial ecosystem plays a critical role in a healthy functioning body.

As a part of our Healthy Aging strategy, the Weston Family Microbiome Initiative provides support for innovative microbiome research in Canada. We seek to accelerate the application of the microbiome in improving healthy aging.

What We Fund

Although our work is continuously evolving, currently we have three priorities for our funding:

  1. Brain Health
    Improving brain health using novel therapies and preventative strategies that leverage the microbiome
  2. Immunity
    Improving immune function and disease resistance through improved microbiome health
  3. Diet and Nutrition
    Leveraging the microbiome to maximize the health benefits of diet and nutrition

Funded projects typically focus on preventative strategies to improve overall health, such as diet modifications, and therapeutic interventions.

For current funding opportunities, please see our Grant Calls or follow us on Twitter @westonfamilyfdn.


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Featured Programs

A researcher examining a bacterial culture


A heart-shaped plate of nuts, fruit and vegetables next to a stethoscope and various fitness equipment

Brain Health